Coffee.Yoga.Life. is a community for those of us who know that we are ready for success in our lives. My goal is to help you get the skills, encouragement, and motivation to achieve your goals. This list of personal development resources includes the books, online course sites, resume writing sites and podcasts that have helped me over the years. And, if you’re at all like me, you also love a good personality test. So there’s a few of those listed as well.
Have the confidence to be true to yourself even if you have the only house on the block with a bed of nails and a two-headed sea turtle. You’ll get more out of life and your increased confidence will lead the way to success.
Almost everything we do is a habit, which means that in most cases you have been doing it so long that it is now an unconscious thought or action. As soon as you see someone, you make a judgment and categorize them. We can’t help it. Our brains are always trying to keep us safe, based on our unconscious definition of safety. It has to quickly categorize the people and situations you encounter so that it knows how you should respond.
Compassion brings both short and long-term happiness. Showing compassion not only allows you to feel better, but it helps those around you to feel better, too. Since we all want to be happy, showing compassion can be a common goal for everyone.
New experiences open you up to meet new people, try new things, and learn a bit more about the world around you. And they open you up for more new experiences.
What are you missing out on because you are scared?
Because something feels uncomfortable?
What would it take for you to step out of your comfort zone and do the thing that makes you scared?
Can you really believe that we are at the end of a decade? What has changed for you over the past 10 years? What have you learned? What have you improved? What have you finally let go of? What did you accomplish? Normally, I use this time of the year to reflect on the previous 12 months and then determine my goals for the year ahead. With this being the end of a decade, I had to take it to a whole new level.
Challenges with self-confidence can be intimidating. But it doesn’t have to ruin your ability to go after great opportunities. In fact, by embracing your primary strengths, you can develop the self-belief you've always yearned for.
Showing gratitude to others may seem like a selfless act, but it's something that you also benefit from.When you show your gratitude every day, you change the way you think.
You'll appreciate your good life when the majority of your thoughts remain positive. Negative thoughts can sometimes be overwhelming, and just because you have them doesn't mean you're a bad person. They happen to everyone, but you can strive to keep them to a minimum with the help of a grateful attitude.
Sometimes showing your gratitude can be as simple as saying “thanks,” but other times you can show gratitude by helping others, or “paying it forward.” After all, you’ll never know how a simple, kind gesture will affect someone’s day.