Saturday Morning Coffee: Pace yourself

Can you believe it's 2019? Crazy, right? 2018 went by so fast, I feel like I blinked and it was June. Then I blinked again and it was Halloween. For me, Halloween (my favorite holiday) starts the holiday season. Everything after that is a blur.
And here we are again with new resolutions, ready to take on the world. I had so many plans for the first week of 2019. I purposely took the week off so that I could focus on building my blog and website. I wanted to have the whole 1st quarter planned out perfectly before going back to work on Monday. That was my goal. That did not happen.
While I don't like resolutions (blog post coming soon on this topic), I had a goal to use the full week to focus on my business. I had a list of my priorities and I jumped right in. Bad idea! I didn't plan it out or prioritize the activities. Nor did I block off time for each specific activity. I jumped in, got new ideas, chased those new ideas, and added them to my list. By the end of day 2 I was overwhelmed but I was determined to achieve my goals. By the end of day 3 I had a headache that carried into day 4. That's when I hit the wall. By 5:00, I put everything away, grabbed a cup of coffee and started playing Story of Seasons (I love that game). I woke up refreshed on day 5 and jumped in again. That's when it hit me. I am the one who set my very unrealistic expectations and timeline, which means I am the one who can change it.
I have now adjusted my expectations and feel much more at ease. An additional week will not kill my business. In fact, I am able to think more clearly now and can really take everything one step at a time.
So I said all of that to say this: Pace yourself. Do not try to achieve each of your goals in the 1st month. You will burn out and never get anything done. Break your goals into bite size chunks and tackle one chunk at a time. And be sure to celebrate your accomplishments!
Here's to a year of achievement and success!
Photo by Nicolas Hoizey on Unsplash