Saturday Morning Coffee: Are you doing what works best for you?

Are you doing what works best for you? 

With this question, I am talking about what you wear, what you eat, what books you read, where you work, what music you listen to, etc. Are you doing the things that you want to do? Or are you doing what you think society wants you to do? That seems to be the dilemma nowadays. People are not making decisions based on what feels good to them. They are making these decisions based on fads. Trust me when I tell that is not the answer. I've tried. It does not work. I've tried so many different diets. I've tried shopping for clothes that I didn't really care for or feel comfortable wearing. Every single time I have gone back to what I like.

Saturday Morning Coffee: Are you doing what works best for you?

Maybe it's an age thing. Maybe you finally get to a point in your 30's where you're like f*$k this, I don't care what anyone else thinks. I remember being in my 20s and admiring the older people who said that and truly embodied that feeling. Mind you, by older I mean late 30s. I know, I know. That's nothing. But to me, at that time, 30 felt soooooo far away. Now that I'm 35, I get it. There are still some aspects of people pleasing but I am so much more determined now to do what feels good for me and my family. 

So again I ask, are YOU doing what works best for YOU?

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