Allow Yourself Time to Do Nothing

So many times we push our bodies to the brink of exhaustion, it’s time to stop!

How many of us keep pushing, knowing that we need to rest? Knowing that our bodies have given the signal that it is time to stop and take a break? Knowing that we’re not eating the right foods or getting enough sleep?

It’s so funny how I tell so many people that they need to listen to their bodies and allow time for rest, but I can’t seem to stop before my body starts fighting back. Sometimes it’s frustration and irritability. Sometimes it’s reverting back to poor eating habits, especially candy and comfort foods. Sometimes it’s digestive issues. This time its migraines.

So many of us are always on the go. There is always something that needs to be done. The reality is that we will never complete everything.

I truly believe our bodies will continue to escalate our symptoms until we listen to what it’s trying to tell us. In the past, I’ve had days where I couldn’t get off the couch for a day or two. Just sitting there with barely enough energy to make myself something to eat. Those were the days that I would sit on the couch, eating cereal and watching cartoons all day (SpongeBob is amazing when you don’t want to think about anything). While I love cereal and cartoons, I hate the feeling of my body needing so much rest that I can’t get anything done. So, for years I managed to avoid getting back to that point. Until 2019.

 I have so much that I’m working on; so many goals and so much to learn. This year has been especially busy for me. I feel like I have 10 pots on a 4-burner stove. I’ve started noticing that when I ignore my body’s signal to take breaks, I started getting headaches. I tried to work through them by listening to binaural beats and relaxing music. While it didn’t make the headaches go away, the music lessened the pain. Now my body is pushing harder. I guess it realized that the headache wasn’t strong enough to make me stop, so they’ve escalated to migraines now.

If you’ve ever had a migraine, you know that it means work comes to a complete stop.

Everything comes to a complete stop.

So many of us are always on the go. There is always something that needs to be done. The reality is that we will never complete everything. Let others help you. Let go of some of your control. You don’t have to do it all by yourself. Identify what actions are priorities, and let the rest take a back burner sometimes. We are humans, not machines.

Allow yourself time to rest and relax!

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