To Be Successful, You Need To Know This
What do you need to know to be successful?
There’s already so much out there that tells you what to do and how to do it.
But how effective is it?
Everyone has their own unique life experiences, which dictates their approach to success. Or their desire to stay in their comfort zone.
In my life, and on my journey, I have had several realizations that have brought me to this point. Honestly, I can’t remember all of them, but what I can share with you is what I believe you need to believe to be successful.
You get to define success for yourself.
Success doesn’t have to be what your friends and family say it is.
We all start at the same place of not knowing anything. You had to learn everything that you know today, which means that you are capable of learning something new and implementing it. Which means that you can achieve your goals as long as you are willing to put in the work and learn what you need to learn.
Happiness and Joy are not a destination, they are part of the journey. You will experience a range of emotions throughout your day. So many believe that they must feel happy all day every day, but the reality is that it is highly unlikely for that to happen. Focus on moments of joy and happiness throughout your day and your week. Even if it’s just a few minutes at a time. The more you focus on finding those happy moments, the more happy moments you will have.
A lot of stress can be alleviated by focusing on the things in your circle of control. You can only control you and your actions. You cannot control others, not even your kids. So when you are in a stressful situation, ask yourself what you can to lessen your stress. Don’t focus on what you want the other person to do or what you think they “should” do. Focus on what the situation is because you can’t fix what isn’t.
Now I want to share with you a few mindset shifts I had to make and what I’ve helped clients with as well. You will resonate with some of these and not others. That’s fine. That is part of your journey. But the more of these that you begin to believe, the more success you will see because your mind is more open to it.
You are capable and worthy of success on your terms.
You are capable and worthy of taking a vacation.
You are capable and worthy of that raise.
You are capable and worthy of that promotion.
You are capable and worthy of that new car.
You are capable and worthy of that new house.
You are capable and worthy of love.
You are capable and worthy of affection.
You are capable and worthy of achieving your goals.
You are capable and worthy of taking time just for you.
You are capable and worthy of receiving help.
You are capable and worthy of being on that board.
You are capable and worthy of becoming an entrepreneur.
You are capable and worthy of changing careers.
You are capable and worthy of going back to school.
You are capable and worthy of working with the clients of your choosing.
You are capable and worthy of being interviewed on that podcast.
You are capable and worthy of getting that new role that you’ve been hoping for.
You are capable and worthy of financial freedom.
You are capable and worthy of location freedom.
You are capable and worthy of time freedom.
You are capable and worthy of booking that retreat.
You are capable and worthy of investing in yourself and your goals.
You are capable and worthy of being happy.
You are capable and worthy of being independent.
You are capable and worthy of giving and receiving love.
You are capable and worthy of writing that book.
You are capable and worthy of being the first in your family to become an entrepreneur.
You are capable and worthy of being the first in your family to go to college/university
You are capable and worthy of choosing differently.
You are capable and worthy of focusing on your self-care, including your mental health
You are capable and worthy of asking for what you want.
You are capable and worthy of outsourcing household chores.
You are capable and worthy of leaving toxic work environments.
You are capable and worthy of leaving toxic relationships.
You are capable and worthy of being happy and single.
You are capable and worthy of enjoying life.
You are capable and worthy of achieving more than your friends and family have achieved
You are capable and worthy of earning more money than anyone in your family or friend group
You are capable and worthy of more than you believe you are.
You are capable and worthy of loving yourself.
You are capable and worthy of healing yourself.
So many times in life we believe that we have to do things a certain way, eat a certain way, believe a certain way, live a certain way, work a certain, etc.
But the reality is that we have the choice and we are allowed to make different choices.
No matter what you were taught growing up.
No matter what others have told you.
No matter what you have seen others do.
You don’t need permission from anyone other than yourself.
You are allowed to choose differently.
You are allowed to be different.
You are allowed to believe differently.
You are allowed to act differently.
You are allowed to dress how you want.
You are allowed to choose what you want to eat.
You are allowed to choose where you want to live.
You are allowed to choose what kind of career you want to have.
You are allowed to choose what kind of car you want to drive.
You are allowed to choose whether or not to get married.
You are allowed to choose who you want to marry, if you want to marry.
You are allowed to be happy and single.
You are allowed to choose whether or not to have kids, no matter who else in your family has them or wants you to have them.
You are allowed to love who you want.
You are allowed to choose what to study in college/university.
You are allowed to choose whether or not you want to go to college/university.
You are allowed to have different hobbies than your family, friends, and significant other.
You are allowed to be excited about things that others are not interested in.
You are allowed to have days where you sit at home and avoid people.
You are allowed to stay in your pajamas all day and watch cartoons.
You are allowed to put yourself first.
You are allowed to have goals that don’t involve your spouse and kids.
You are allowed to have time away from your spouse and kids.
You are allowed to spend money on things just because they make you happy.
You are allowed to cut off toxic “friends” and family, without an explanation or giving them another chance.
You are allowed to follow your family’s traditions.
You are allowed to not follow your family’s traditions.
You are allowed to create your own traditions.
You are allowed to put your mental health first.
You are allowed to have fun and be silly.
You are allowed to play video games.
You are allowed to color a kids coloring book.
You are allowed to have dessert first.
You are allowed to be the first one in your family to start a business.
You are allowed to be the first one in your family to go to college.
You are allowed to travel the world.
You are allowed to go on girls’ trips.
You are allowed to have a solo day trip or vacation (please be safe when doing so).
You are allowed to hire a housekeeper.
You are allowed to not cook dinner every night.
You are allowed to have time for yourself every day.
You are allowed to say “No”.
You are allowed to not take on someone else’s responsibilities at work.
You are allowed to leave a toxic work environment.
You are allowed to ask for a raise, even if you make “good” money.
You are allowed to be grateful for what you have while also wanting more or different.
You are allowed to want more than what you have.
You are allowed to want something different than what you have.
You are allowed to use meal prep and/or grocery delivery services.
You are allowed to limit contact or discussion topics with negative people.
You are allowed to decide that something is not for you.
You are allowed to demand respect.
You are allowed to unfriend people on social media.
You are allowed to unfollow people who make you feel inadequate/like you’re not good enough.
You are allowed to quit.
You are allowed to cut out anything that is not aligned with your goals or the vision you have for your life.
You are allowed to have your own opinions.
You are allowed to choose a different religion.
You are allowed to take a day off just because.
You are allowed to buy something to make someone else smile.
You are allowed to ask for help, even if you can do it yourself.
You are allowed to hold others accountable.
You are allowed to hold yourself accountable.
You are allowed to decline that invitation that you really don’t want.
You are allowed to say “No” to that guy that makes you feel uncomfortable.
You are allowed to stand up for yourself.
You are allowed to take up space.
You are allowed to give yourself space and time to heal and grieve.
You are allowed to be very selective about who you spend your time and energy with.
You are allowed to make more money than your parents or siblings.
You are allowed to be a good person AND be wealthy, they are not mutually exclusive.
You are allowed to want more money.
You are allowed to want to be wealthy.
You are allowed to not want a big corporate title and career.
You are allowed to take a lower paying job if it makes you happy.
You are allowed to be an introvert.
You are allowed to be an extrovert.
You are allowed to be your unique self.
You are allowed to be happy.
You are allowed to be sad.
You are allowed to be angry.
You are allowed to just be.
You are allowed to choose different goals.
You are allowed to have goals that are just for you.
You are allowed to take as long as it takes to achieve your goals.
You are allowed to change your mind about your goal, or anything really.
You are allowed to find a support group to help you achieve your goals.
You are allowed to not share your goals with people who will not support you.
You are allowed to invest in yourself.
You are allowed to invest in your goals.
You are allowed to continue working on your goals even when your friends have abandoned theirs.
You are allowed to be successful.
You are allowed to choose your own path.
You are allowed to have, do, or be anything you want!
You are allowed to make your own choice.
There is a lot here, I know. But it is all true.
You already have what you need to be successful, including the ability to learn what you don’t know yet.
So, what will you choose?
Your life is yours to define.
You can set whatever goals you want.
You can achieve those goals however you want.
You can create a plan that works best for you and your lifestyle. You don't have to follow someone else's plan. You don't have to go through all the same steps that others went through. You can create a plan that is unique to you, your wants, your needs, and your lifestyle.
Your goal is unique to you. Shouldn't your plan to achieve it also be unique to you?
You have it in you to be successful. You already have everything you need.
Write down your goals. Make your plan. Start taking action.
Are you ready to get started? Ready to make your plans? Ready to be successful?
In these workshops, we will cover:
- Defining what success looks like to you
- Creating a clear goal statement
- Creating your 90-day goal action plan
- Creating your vision board for continued motivation on your success journey
We are live January 16, 2023. Hope to see you there!