MTN Presentation Page- Jenn Cerna

Leverage Storytelling to Build Your Brand

Jenn cerna

Unleash business growth with this unparalleled masterclass merging Hollywood storytelling and brand strategies, unlocking brand storytelling secrets for a cohesive framework that showcases your uniqueness and fosters audience connection.

From this presentation, attendees can expect to learn:

  1. Five storytelling elements for crafting a compelling brand narrative to connect and convert their audience, including understanding the hero, the catalyst of the story, character development, the role of the guide, and story structure.
  2. How to apply Hollywood storytelling techniques to create a cohesive framework to showcase brand uniqueness, foster connection through neuroscience, and leverage different story archetypes to build their brand.
  3. Practical insights and tips on how to relate to their audience, create a sense of urgency and purpose, as well as a detailed understanding of how different types of conflict can be used to propel the audience forward in achieving their goals.

These elements and insights will help attendees harness the power of storytelling to effectively build their brand and emotionally resonate with their target audience.


  • Establish their hero's background, motivations, and drives
  • Determine the catalyst that drives the hero to begin their journey
  • Create the character arc the hero goes on and it's impacting factors
  • Define what they, as the hero's perfect guide, would look like
  • Choose a story structure that best fits their brand and start to use it

Craft Your Compelling Brand Story Workbook

If you were like me, you’ve been told that you need to include storytelling in your business, but no one ever really told you how. Well, I got tired of not knowing, so I went out and studied the strategies and techniques that Hollywood uses to create their ultra-successful movies & books. Now, after understanding how to craft compelling stories, I created this workbook to help you understand and harness the power of storytelling through prompts and supporting audio to resonate with your audience and reach your goals through your brand and marketing.

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