MTN Presentation Page- Drashti Shah

How to write your blog post in 60 minutes(or less!)

Drashti Shah

                              Walk away with: 

  • The knowledge of what NOT to do if you want to write a blog post faster.
  • A 60 minute framework to quickly write conversion-focused blog posts for yourself OR your clients on repeat.
  • SEO best practices that help a blog rank better on Google.
  • 4 free apps that make blog writing a breeze
  • A free fill in the blank, SEO optimized blog post template you can use for different topics in your niche.


  1. Grab your free blog template before you go. 
  2. Schedule 1 hour this week to write your blog post. 
  3. Use the template, plus a timer, and start writing using the tips and format I shared in the workshop. 

Know your audience in 15 minutes with CHATGPT

A masterclass on how to use CHATGPT to understand your audeince's pain points, desires, needs, objections, motivators and more. Basically get into the mind of your customer to you know exactly how to speak to them in your content and copy.

Watch This Video Free for 24 hours


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