Ignite Your Side Hustle Summit BINGO

Summit Bingo

How It Works

Throughout the summit, use your BINGO card to keep track of how you engage with the event. (Not sure what something means on the card? I've outlined it all for you below.)

Each day of the summit, I'll post in the Facebook group with a reminder to complete your BINGO cards and invite you to post a picture or screenshot of your BINGO card to win. I'll randomly choose one person to win each day. Easy!

Download Your Bingo Card Here

square Descriptions

Not sure what a square means? Learn more about each one here.

Grab your free ticket - Register for the summit. You've probably already done it!

Attend a co-working session - VIP All-Access Pass members will have access to three co-working sessions, one on each day of the summit. Attend one to mark off each spot.

Share your favorite VIP All-Access Pass resource - Purchase the VIP All-Access Pass and look through the bonus resources. When you find one that you love, jump in the Facebook group and tell us how much you love it and your plan for putting it into action!

Attend the Closing Call live - On Friday, we'll have the Summit Closing Call live in the Facebook group. Pop in live and comment so I know you're there!

Implement a presentation’s action steps - Each presentation will have action steps. Implement the action steps of one presentation to mark off this spot. This shows up 2 times throughout the BINGO card and you can mark ONE off for each presentation.

Follow me on IG - Let's stay connected. Follow me on IG @thegoalsuccesscoach

Attend the live breathwork session - Join us live on Wednesday, Sep 27th, for a live breathwork session with the amazing Sheedia Jansen. If you’ve never tried breathwork before, it’s absolutely amazing!

Share the biggest way the summit has helped you set up your side hustle - This summit was designed to help corporate (or any working) women launch their side hustles. After presentations have begun, share how the summit is helping you get your business ready to launch in the Facebook group for this entry.

Fill out the feedback survey after the summit - On the final day of the summit, I'll share a feedback form. Fill it out to mark this spot off. Be sure to include your name or email address for verification.

Purchase the Extended Access Pass or the VIP All-Access Pass - Purchase the Extended Access Pass or the VIP All-Access to mark off the center spot!

Introduce yourself in the Facebook group - Introduce yourself when you join the Facebook group, either in your own post or in a comment on the pinned welcome video.

Share about the summit on IG or IG stories (tag @thegoalsuccesscoach) - Share about the summit on your Instagram feed or stories and tag @thegoalsuccesscoach. You can find graphics here to make it easy. Your profile must be public for verification.

Share about the summit on FB or FB stories (tag @thegoalsuccesscoach) - Share about the summit on your FB feed or stories and tag @thegoalsuccesscoach. You can find graphics here to make it easy. Your profile must be public for verification.

Join the Facebook group - Join us in the summit's Facebook group.

Share your biggest takeaway from a presentation - Attend a presentation and share your biggest takeaway from it in the Facebook group. Be sure to tag the speaker so they can see the incredible things you have to say!

Attend the Kickoff Call live - On Monday Sep 25th at 6pm EST we'll have the summit Kickoff Call live in the Facebook group. Pop in live and comment so I know you're there!

Listen to a morning meditation - In each of the daily summit email reminders, I will also include a meditation to help you feel grounded and focused during the summit. This shows up 3 times throughout the BINGO card and you can mark ONE off for each meditation.

Invite a friend to join the summit FB group - It is always fun when you have a friend to enjoy the journey with. Invite at least one friend to check off this square.

Find an accountability partner - Use the Accountability Buddy thread in the Facebook group (in the Guides section) to find a buddy to make progress with during the summit!


Can I win multiple prizes?

You can only win once so enter for prizes you want to win!

Do I have to have the Extended Access Pass or VIP All-Access Pass to win?

It makes it easier to win (plus it has amazing goodies), but you can win without it!

Will you verify when someone says they have BINGO?

I sure will! I'll ask questions about each of the relevant squares to ensure that only those being honest win a prize.

I don’t have a printer!

No worries! You can use your free Canva account to cross off each square as you complete the task. Just use an “x” or any other fun icon and place it on the square.

What prizes are up for grabs?

I'm glad you asked! Each day, I will choose 3-4 BINGO winners to win prizes from our generous speakers, including:

- 1:1 call with Holli Rovenger to help you with your side hustle goal

- The Pitch Template Ebook from Erin Scott

- A 30-minute Laser Coaching Session with Kerri Richardson

- 1:1 30-minute Voxer call with Dr. Morgan Levy to discuss your mindfulness practice and brainstorm obstacles

- Personal Success Sequence from Sheedia Jansen

- 1:1 call with Jana Land to help with pricing of your side hustle

- 1:1 Call with Becky Beach, Digital Product Coach

- 1 year Collaborate & Grow Membership $77 value from Val Selby

- Thrive Solopreneur Academy - 2 months- from Juakerra Davis

- Niche Unleashed from Carly Jo Bell

- 6-month FREE access to AI Copy Club from Brittany Long

The winners will be announced in the Facebook Group on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday at 5pm EST.

Winning is easier with the Extended Access or VIP All-Access Pass

Want to make winning a prize easier? Plus get lifetime access to presentations, $1500+ in bonuses, live co-working calls during the summit, and an implementation week after the summit! Grab the VIP All-Access Pass Now!