Presentation Page- Mariam Tsaturyan

Start a Business With Confidence By Protecting It Legally

Mariam Tsaturyan

The presentation talks about the 3 things that business owners should have in place or should think about when they are ready to start or create a business:

  1. Correct business structure (LLC vs. Corporation, etc.)
  2. Policies, Agreements and Contracts
  3. Intellectual Property (trademarks, copyrights, patents, trade secrets)

Action Steps:

To take 15-30 minutes and answer the questions that I asked them in the beginning of my presentation:

  • Where do I see my business 5 years down the line? 10 years?
  • Am I going into business with the mindset of growing and selling it?
  • Do I intend to go public in the future?
  • Is franchising something that I might consider?
  • Would I benefit from a licensing structure? 

Independent Contractor Agreement Template

An Independent Contractor Agreement Template is an essential contract template for both independent contractors (freelancers) and businesses hiring independent contractors. This contract will protect both parties' interests. The template includes all the necessary and recommended clauses that any business person should consider such as payment information, intellectual property information, termination clauses, non-disclosure clause, which is absolutely essential, and more. The Independent Contractor Agreement template will help both businesses and independent contractors avoid surprises, be prepared for any outcomes and make sure that terms that each party cares about are included in the contract.

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